The thermometer in my car today read 107 F! I happen to have no air conditioning at the moment in my vehicle -my view point is that this is "boot camp" or "tapas" (austerity) for my upcoming Seva to Haiti; (or what doesn't kill you certainly makes you stronger..) It is feeling like a pressure cooker out there, and not just on the eastern seaboard of the U.S. Everywhere you look temperatures are at extremes. A friend informed me that there were warnings for 122 F in Cyprus. The middle and entire south of the country is in a critical drought situation, hundred of counties are being declared a disaster area in terms of agriculture, and there are wildfires abounding. Living where I am in the proverbial garden state, I notice that the reknowed "jersey corn" of legend is no where near the height it should be....and the bases of stalks are brown. This corn crop failure is country wide, and we have set ourselves up for the perfect austerity storm....other than oil, we are a corn based economy, ugh oh Charlie Brown. If you read Michael Pollen's brilliant book "The Omnivore's Dilemma" it breaks down our food chain and gets into how this corn reliance the book, no trailer here, but you will thank me! But to make a long story short, our scenario is thus...
manmade global warming =
more extreme weather =
drought/flood conditions =
crop failure =
You see, corn is everywhere, it is the sweetener most used (high fructose corn syrup) it is hidden in names like monodiglycerides (yes corn is even in most brands of ice cream!) Factory farm livestock are fed corn (not the natural diet, just used to add pounds and make $) and yes, it is in our gas; so now....if there is a short supply , demand is ever present, and, yes you guessed it my friend in our consumer based economy, prices go up. Resulting in....austerity.
We need to see the writing on the wall. Perhaps this summer of extremes will open our eyes to creating ways to discipline our selves, and through sacrificing our convenience, lighten the load that we have placed on the Earth. Get involved, explore permaculture, see where you can change things up for yourself, your community. Heat has a way of purifying, so that new growth can take place. Use this time we are experiencing to see where you can purify the way you consume, act, and live. We are all interconnected, and we can ride through the storm, or sink the ship...I prefer to sail.
Musings on yogic philosophy, life, and our shared humanity as I journey through this lifetime.
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Thursday, July 19, 2012
Monday, July 2, 2012
Home is Where the Heart Is
Home....there are many varied definitions. A place to hang your hat; a place to take shelter,; a roof over your head; a place to come back to. On and on.
I am about to embark on a journey away from "home" here on the east coast of the good old USA. I am going to Haiti in August. I am raising funds to get there for a service trip through a group called Bridge of Diamonds...(more on this at the end of this posting!) HUGE undertaking! I will be doing Karma yoga there, working with children to bring them art and yoga based stress relief, and perhaps, bringing them home to a peaceful pace in their hearts.
People have had varied reactions to my imminent journey....everything from "are you crackers?" "why would you travel so far from home, to that place?", some have no reaction, and some say "wow, that is amazing." The truth lies in all these statements. Yes, undertaking this on at 53 may be a little crackers. And it is a lot. Amazing, though, to be fortunate enough to have this opportunity to have the chance to make a difference to children that truly need it. And yes, physically I will be going into a place that is the total opposite of what is considered home- leaving the dwelling that gives me shelter and its comforts and going into the unknown. But the reality is that, no matter what challenges are awaiting me, wherever I travel, here or abroad, that I am home; home within my heart. I am excited to be taking this journey and will be writing about it and documenting with pictures.
I need help to get there. I have to raise funds to cover the trip. Right now I am almost halfway, and the clock is ticking. If you are interested, go to
look at the faces, read the stories, and then if you are so moved, please click on donation, and list me...Maureen Heil, as the person you wish to sponsor. Any help you, reader, can give is deeply appreciated .....thank you!
I am about to embark on a journey away from "home" here on the east coast of the good old USA. I am going to Haiti in August. I am raising funds to get there for a service trip through a group called Bridge of Diamonds...(more on this at the end of this posting!) HUGE undertaking! I will be doing Karma yoga there, working with children to bring them art and yoga based stress relief, and perhaps, bringing them home to a peaceful pace in their hearts.
People have had varied reactions to my imminent journey....everything from "are you crackers?" "why would you travel so far from home, to that place?", some have no reaction, and some say "wow, that is amazing." The truth lies in all these statements. Yes, undertaking this on at 53 may be a little crackers. And it is a lot. Amazing, though, to be fortunate enough to have this opportunity to have the chance to make a difference to children that truly need it. And yes, physically I will be going into a place that is the total opposite of what is considered home- leaving the dwelling that gives me shelter and its comforts and going into the unknown. But the reality is that, no matter what challenges are awaiting me, wherever I travel, here or abroad, that I am home; home within my heart. I am excited to be taking this journey and will be writing about it and documenting with pictures.
I need help to get there. I have to raise funds to cover the trip. Right now I am almost halfway, and the clock is ticking. If you are interested, go to
look at the faces, read the stories, and then if you are so moved, please click on donation, and list me...Maureen Heil, as the person you wish to sponsor. Any help you, reader, can give is deeply appreciated .....thank you!
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