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Monday, September 3, 2012

Light the Candle

Yesterday I was watching a candle flickering warmly in my new space and just enjoying how simple but beautiful it was. Warming, illuminating. The glow of the flame lighting up it's surroundings.  It got me thinking. That candle is inside us- we all have the capability to light up the area around us. But, first we have to light the match; there needs to be the spark that lights that flame of illumination. It involves opening ourselves up and sharing our light with others. For some of us that comes easy, for some not so easy. We were taught after all, to be safe-"don't play with fire or you'll get burned."  It can be scary, make you vulnerable, doubt yourself. But really it's that burning  flame that purifies, it brings a lightness to us that comes from seeing ourselves as we are and sharing ourselves with others. Reflecting. We are living in a strange time....there is so much darkness out there in the world, but so much potential for light. If we take that chance, if we use that light to let ourselves shine and then light other "candles" from our own, the world is going to continue to grow in brightness and the shadows will  fade away. We have the choice to stay in darkness, or we can light the match and let our candles glow. Lighting the way for others. Alone we are bright, but when we all shine together ........we become brilliant.

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