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Saturday, February 18, 2012

Reach for the axe

As we approach Presidents Day, a certain story about a cherry tree and telling the truth comes to mind. Fact is....this is an embellished tale; ie...NOT TRUTH. ( If you have a doubt, look it up!) But we hear it over and over, children tell us, they sell us the cherry pies at the grocery store to celebrate a myth, we use it for Presidents Day sales at the capitalist've probably said it a time or two without blinking! Fact being if we repeat something enough, it becomes "truth." We accept. Most of us go through life this way, we repeat something to ourselves over and over, it becomes a mantra,  our story, even if it's not authentic to ourselves. This is the way it's supposed to be. It's expected. We beleive, no afterthought required. Applying the yogic teachings of vairagya and viveka we can detach and discern-not just accept.Kind of like looking at what sales you want to shop and what ones you don't. Seems easier that way, doesn't it? I used to be a subscriber of acceptance, bought right into the ad- the universe has a funny way of planting the cherry  tree right in your path if you don't listen. Walked right into it. Choice-pick up the axe or keep on going? As heavy as it is, I have chosen to pick the axe up, swinging,  and am now handing it to you. Have you felt that there's something more to this? That niggling, dare we say it....DOUBT? ( Just beleive, shut up, buy in, and eat the damn cherry'll all be fine!)  This can't be all there is to it. If you stop to listen to that inner voice, it tells you your true story, if only you choose to listen. When you do, something shifts, and the eyes open to possibility. If you follow the clues it can take you down the path you were meant to be on before you got stuck in the audio replay of the "truth." advertising.  By reaching  for the axe  to chop down the falsehoods and find the path to your own story; you can have your cherry pie, enjoy it, and maybe have ice cream on top.

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